Going to our previous example with the rainbow bridge, if it’s required to have the Light Arrows to summon the bridge, that already covers the check for the Forest, Fire, and Water Medallions, so there’s no sense in doing an additional superfluous check. To this end, these determining factors tend to have an Occam’s Razor approach in figuring out the most simple way possible for the game programming to have things happen at the right time.
The reality is, the less code that has to be typed out and handled, the better for production times and on top of it, it means less ways a game can be crashed due to conflicting values.

We, as humans, try to see a lot of game events in a more narrative fashion and quite likely overthink just how much actually goes into how a game figures out when it’s time to have Ganondorf chase Zelda from Hyrule Castle. Oftentimes, game code will check these values for a ‘true’ response in order to determine if a progression event should occur. Within computer programming, we call these binary values as the two possibilities they can hold are ‘true’ and ‘false’. Within the game’s programming, these are what are called flags.

Of course, to get the Light Arrows, one needs the first three medallions as well, which is how the game prevents you from doing any skipping around, but if Light Arrows no longer hold that requirement, it’s entirely possible to just skip those three medallions entirely. A number of these sequence breaks were mentioned in our Randomizer FAQ article, one of note being in Ocarina of Time how one can actually have the rainbow bridge to Ganon’s Castle appear if they are in possession of the Shadow Medallion, Spirit Medallion, and the Light Arrows. One of the biggest things that surprises people when they first get into randomizers is just how many sequence breaks you can manage when you’re no longer beholden to the pre-designed order in which progress items are dulled out in a Zelda game.